
Variables allow you to store information that can be used throughout a flow.

For example, variables can be used to store information from the the page (e.g. Get Element Text) and pass it into other commands.


All Browserflow variables start with the prefix $, as in $selector. This naming convention allows Browserflow to differentiate between variables and normal text.

For example, running Type Text with the message Hi $name will cause Browserflow to replace $name with the value for the variable and leave the "Hi" portion intact.


Due to this naming convention, extra processing is required if you want to append text directly to a variable.

For example, suppose you have a variable named $time that holds a value like 9:30. If you wanted to show an alert with the message The time is 9:30AM, you may try setting the message field to The time is $timeAM. However, this wouldn't work because Browserflow would look for a variable named $timeAM rather than append "AM" to a variable named $time.

In order to get the formatted text, create a new variable using Run Script. In this case, you can run it with the code const $formattedTime = $time + "AM"; and set the alert message to The time is $formattedTime.

Last updated